Clooney's Pub Softball





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Welcome to Clooney's Pub Softball, a slow pitch softball team located in Burlingame, CA.  We've been playing together since March, 1996 and began our 17th year playing together in March.

We've progressed into a pretty decent team, with 19 playoff championships and and 29 league titles.  Still, we try to have fun along the way (someone once said that we were a "DRINKING TEAM WITH A SOFTBALL PROBLEM").  In 2011 we began playing Co-Ed on Monday nights in San Mateo and currently have two teams active on Monday.  Our only remaining men's team is our Backward's K squad in Foster City on Thursday nights.

We have three sponsors: The Dan Lyons Team w/Keller Williams in Burlingame, Clooney's Pub in San Francisco and The Patio Bar in San Carlos, with The Patio Bar the home of our semi-regular gatherings.

  Beer!  (February 2006)

Schedules & Stats

Clooney's Pub (Monday All Stars, San Mateo) Schedule | Stats

Keller Williams Realty (Monday National, San Mateo) Schedule | Stats

Backwards K (Thursday C, Foster City) Schedule

While our core softball teams now play in San Mateo & Foster City, at one time or another we've put teams into Burlingame, Millbrae, San Bruno, San Carlos, Palo Alto, Redwood City, Belmont & Twin Creeks (Sunnyvale).  Really, the only local cities we haven't tried are San Francisco & Daly City

Questions?  Comments?  Contact Steve by clicking here















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